Wednesday, 4 December 2019

HMV appreciated during Swachhta Ranking of Higher Education Institutes

Hans Raj Mahila Maha Vidyalaya, Jalandhar was appreciated in the third edition of annual cleanliness ranking for higher educational institutions organized by Union HRD at AICTE Bhawan, New Delhi. In the third edition of the Swachhta Ranking, 6900 institutions participated and were evaluated on the basis of various parameters like cleanliness in the campus, garbage management system of the campus and residential areas, frequency and the procedure of waste disposal, any technology used for solid and liquid waste disposal and management, rain water harvesting, cleanliness traditions in campus, amenities for persons with disability among others. Out of 6900 institutes, only 330 were short-listed and invited for the awards ceremony presided over by Sh. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank, Union Minister for HRD, GoI.
Principal Prof. Dr. (Mrs.) Ajay Sareen said that we are very pleased upon being selected as one of the only two colleges of Punjab shortlisted by MHRD as cleanest institutes. We hope to substantiate that excellence can only be achieved by practicing sustainable development practices and conserving the ecology. HMV was inspected by a Swachhta Ranking team encompassing three external expert members in September, 2019. She congratulated the teaching, non-teaching and supporting staff for their relentless efforts in making HMV as one the cleanest campuses of Punjab. She further added that all this is possible due to guidance and blessings of DAV mentors.