Sunday 16 February 2020

Lecture on ‘Challenges for Vernacular press’ organized at HMV

The PG department of Mass Communication and Video Production of Hans Raj Mahila maha Vidyalaya organized a guest lecture on ‘Challenges for Vernacular Press in the world of social media’.  Senior Journalist Mr. Vijay Gupta was the resource person. The department head Mrs. Rama Sharma formally welcomed him.  Mr. Gupta started the session by highlighting the journey of press followed by various challenges being faced by traditional print media. He elaborated various duties and responsibilities considered while printing news. He also answered the various questions of the students on the theme of the session. Later on College Principal Dr. Mrs Ajay Sareen presented a token of gratitude to the valuable speaker. The session was very informative and was received very well by the students and the faculty members of HMV College.