Tuesday 5 January 2021

HMV Organized National Workshop on BAKING

Under the able guidance of Principal Prof. Dr. (Mrs.) Ajay Sareen Department of Home Science organized National Workshop on “BAKING” under the initiative of Industry Academia Interface. This workshop is conducted under Community College Diploma in Cooking and Catering Management. Mrs. Sukhdeep Kaur, Course Co-ordinator gave a brief introduction about the course.

Mrs. Gaganpreet Kaur was the Resource Person of the Workshop. She highlighted about the basics of Bakery and Equipment used in Baking.  She also taught the students how to make Choco Lava Cake.

This workshop was arranged for the students of Diploma Cooking and Catering Management. This workshop is very helpful for the better understanding for the use of equipments and the techniques that helps to clear student’s queries regarding Baking.

Principal Prof. Dr. (Mrs.) Ajay Sareen also added that this course is the need of the hour as the students who want to go abroad it will be easy for them to get Visa on the basis of this certification. Mrs. Meenakshi Sayal Co-ordinator Community College appraised Acadameia Interface for providing a platform for all the students to get experiential learning.