Tuesday 19 January 2021

Webinar by Biotechnology Department at HMV


Under the dynamic leadership and guidance of worthy Principal Prof. Dr. (Mrs.) Ajay Sareen, webinar on ‘How to Read Scientific Literature’ in collaboration with DBT , (Govt. of India) under series Human Atlas initiative by IISER, Pune was organized by Department of Biotechnology. The Resource Person was Dr. Anupma Harshal, consultant (Science Communication and Public Engagement) IISER, Pune on Google meet followed by online test. On this occasion Principal Prof. Dr. (Mrs.) Ajay Sareen welcomed the Resource Person in the virtual campus of HMV Jalandhar and highlighted the importance of research and development activities in the field of Biotechnology especially in COVID-19 Period. Dr. Anupma elaborated to the participants on how to read, write and search a research paper. Further she told what is the importance of abstract, how to read introduction, how to study review of literature and note various parameters of material and methods and how to drive inferences from result and discussion. She explained how a full research paper could be read in thirty minutes, besides this she explained how to use  research online tools.  Webinar Coordinator was Dr.  Jatinder Kumar and Mr. Sumit Sharma was Moderator of the webinar. The students were given e-certificates by DBT Govt. of India.