Friday 28 August 2020

NSS unit and sports department of HMV participating in Fit India Freedom Run program


The NSS unit and Sports Department of Hans Raj Mahila Maha Vidyalaya are participating in Fit India Freedom Run Program of Youth and Sports Ministry, Government of India under the guidance of Principal Prof. Dr. Mrs. Ajay Sareen. This program will be organized till 2nd October. The NSS volunteers of HMV NSS unit are enthusiastically participating in this program. On the first day of the program, they were told about the importance of exercise and yoga in order to have a balanced and healthy body. The participant students were also encouraged to tell their neighbours and relatives about the importance of yoga in this stressful time of COVID.

Principal Prof. Dr. Mrs. Ajay Sareen appreciated this campaign of government of India and said that this campaign will help in increasing the immunity of people in pandemic times. She said that it will also change the lifestyle of the people and will help them in living a healthy life. She also congratulated NSS volunteers and sports department for this participation.

NSS program officer Mrs. Veena Arora and Ms. Harmanu Paul also encouraged the participants to remain with this campaign with full enthusiasm. They said that if we will remain healthy only then we can expect a healthy society. On this occasion, Head of sports department Ms. Sukhwinder Kaur and Assistant Program officer NSS Mrs. Pawan Kumari were also present.