Hans Raj Mahila
Maha Vidyalaya organized a two day International
Conference on Contemporary Issues in
Social Sciences on 2nd and 3rd February. During the valedictory ceremony, the Chief
Guest was Prof. Davinder Singh Ladhar from Canada . As Guest of Honour, SCERT Deputy Director
Mrs. Shruti Shukla was present. On this
occasion, Dr. Anil Dutta Mishra from Allahabad ,
Dr. Mohd. Khalid from Panjab University Chandigarh, Mr. Talwinder Dhillon from England ,
Director Radio Punjabi Lehra, Sh. Satinder Sidhva from Toronto Young Punjabi
Poet from California Mr. Diljinder Sahota were also present. Principal Prof. Dr. (Mrs.) Ajay Sareen and
Conference Conveners Dr. Ashmeen Kaur and Miss Shallu Batra welcomed the
guests. Principal Prof. Dr. (Mrs.) Ajay
Sareen said that many new ideas have come into the mainstream through the
papers read in this conference. The main
aim of DAV organizations is to make good citizens. If we become good citizens, then all our
problems will come to an end. We should
be connected to our culture. Guest of
Honour Mrs. Shruti Shukla said that the real aim of education is overall development
of child. Knowledge should be such which
is able to solve all the problems. Every
problem has its impact on our life and these problems need to be
discussed. Moral values are a very
important part of sustainable development.
Director Radio Punjabi Lehra, Toronto
Sh. Satinder Sidhva said that connecting with our culture and rituals is very
important. Conference participants
shared their experiences of the conference.
Chief Guest Prof. Davinder Singh Ladhar said that whatever work we do
with our heart, it is done in an excellent way.
A teacher always simplifies the things for students. The relationship of teacher and student is
very pious. Teacher should take care of
overall development of the students.
were given to the participants. Dr.
Rajiv Kumar from Pol.Sc. department extended vote of thanks. Stage was conducted by Dr. Anjana
Bhatia. On this occasion, Local
Committee member Sh. Kundan Lal Aggarwal, Mrs. Nita Malik, Mrs. Chandrika, Mrs.
Jyotika Minhas, Mrs. Alka Sharma, Ms. Harmanu were also present. Total 163 paper presenters and delegates attended
this conference.
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