Thursday 7 January 2021

E-Poster making competition organized by HMV Collegiate Sr. Sec. School

ICT has become an integral part of the day to day life and brought about changes in our lives.  However, the increased use of digital media has also given rise to cyber crime.  To make the students aware about cyber laws and crime, HMV Collegiate Sr. Sec. School organized an e-poster making competition under the motivation of Principal Prof. Dr. (Mrs.) Ajay Sareen. Principal Dr. Sareen exclaimed that our goal is to increase awareness about cyber safety.  Cyber crime continues to evolve, with new threats so the first step is to recognize different forms of cyber crimes which will help to protect ourselves against such things.

On the occasion, Mr. Anil Bhasin, Incharge, Computer Club briefed the students about Spam, E-mail hacking, Fishing, Virus and told them that ignorance of cyber crime proves very harmful these days.  He also discussed tips to protect against Banking fraud and ATM fraud.  Addressing the students, School Co-ordinator Mrs. Meenakshi Syal expressed her concern over increasing cyber crimes saying that our dependence on internet has increased rapidly so we need to be aware of the online scams and frauds, we can protect ourselves by being aware of these things.

The students enthusiastically made e-posters on Mobile App frauds, computer hacking and OTP/Credit Card frauds.  The Posters were adjudged by Mr. Ashish Chadha.  Km. Riya Sharma (+2 Arts) got first prize, Km. Isha Arora (+2 Arts) got second prize and Km. Sakshi (+2 Arts) got third prize.  Mr. Ashish Chadha told about the use of anti-virus and password security.  Mrs. Meenakshi Syal thanked the organizing team and congratulated the winners.