Thursday 14 January 2021

Havan Yajna Organized at HMV


With hearts full of hope, a Havan Yajna was organized at Hans Raj Mahila Maha Vidyalaya to invoke the blessings of the Almighty to bring back life to the normal in the context of not so fortunate 2020. The students, faculty members and staff offered intense prayers by performing the rituals of the Yajna under the guidance of Principal Prof. Dr. Mrs. Ajay Sareen. The Yajna was co-ordinated  by Dr. Meenu Talwar.

Giving her blessings to the HMV Family, Principal Prof. Dr. Mrs. Ajay Sareen prayed for the good health of the members. She vented the view that introspection is the first step to success. We need to analyse our strength as well as weaknesses. She also elaborated on the views expressed by Padma Shree Dr. Punam Suri, President DAVCMC New Delhi that nature has disllusioned the pursuits of man who tried to trespass the bounds and to diverted from the path. Our sense of ego has proved detrimental to our lives and giving up this pride leads satisfaction and peace of mind. She energised everyone by saying that collective efforts will lead to the progress of the institute.

Paving a new tradition, Dean Academics Dr. Kanwaldeep Kaur shared her inspirational thoughts and narrated the hackneyed race aid tortoise story in a new dimension to convey the message of adapting to the changing trends aid working collaboratively. On similar note Mr. Ravi Maini,  exclaimed that let all the members take a vow to prove true to the meanings of their names in the new year.

            Principal Dr. Sareen also released the planner 2021 and congratulated the team comprising of Mr. Sushil Kumar, Dr. Anjana Bhatia, Dr. Meenu Talwar, Mr. Ravi Maini. Dr. Anjana Bhatia also read the messages of venerable Dr. Punam Suri, Rakhi Sakhi revered Mrs. Mani Suri and respected Dr. Ajay Sareen quoted in the Planner. The students recited bhajan under the the co-ordination of Dr. Prem Sagar. The Yajna was successfully held in the inchargeship of Dr. Santosh Khanna & Dr. Meenu Talwar.